Dry Eye Test – SPEED Questionnaire™

Complete the Standardized Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEEDTM) and fill out your information to see the results!

Symptoms you’re experiencing and how often you experience them:

1. Dryness, Grittiness or Scratchiness*
2. Soreness or Irritation*
3. Burning or Watering*
4. Eye Fatigue*

5. How Frequently do you Experience your symptoms?

0=never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Constant
Dryness Grittiness or Scratchiness*
Soreness or Irritation*
Burning or Watering*
Eye Fatigue*

6. How severe are your symptoms?

0=Not Severe, 1=Tolerable, 2=Uncomfortable, 3=Bothersome, 4=Intolerable
Dryness Grittiness or Scratchiness*
Soreness or Irritation*
Burning or Watering*
Eye Fatigue*
Do you use eye drops for lubrication?

Fill out your information below to receive your results: